Making Time for Quick Cleans

As I sit here writing this post, my home is currently clean. Like actually clean. Like everything is orderly and put away. There might be a pile a boxes on the counter waiting to be dropped off at USPS, but, overall, things are looking pretty damn clean. And why is this worth mentioning? Because today just felt so much easier than it usually does. My day was pretty usual. Woke up before 5am for barre, had a yummy breakfast, showered and dressed, woke up and fed the twins, played in their room while a contractor cleaned our chimney, went to the grocery store, made lunch, played a bit, and put them down for a nap. If this were any other day, the beginning of nap time means me collapsing on the couch with a bag of snack food while simultaneously watching Netflix, reading blogs on my laptop, and checking Instagram on my cell phone. This goes on for an hour or so while I contemplate the chores I’ve been putting off and stress about everything I have to do. It feels nearly impossible to lift myself off the couch and pry my iPhone from my hands just so I can accomplish SOMETHING before nap time ends.

But today is different. The dishes from last night’s dinner was cleaned and put away immediately following dinner. Toys were put away before we went to the grocery store. Lunch trays were cleaned and put away way before nap time started. There seems to be a trend here. Everything dirtied or used was cleaned and put away immediately after it was no longer needed. And because of all these quick cleaning moments, nothing has piled up into one overwhelming disaster. This all sounds simple, almost like it should be common sense, but making time to complete these quick little cleaning chores makes such a huge difference throughout the day. Those feelings of stress I normally have throughout the day when someone is screaming or throwing food or needs an immediate diaper change just don’t appear as easily when everything around me is in its place.


This foreign feeling I’m having as I type this, I think it could be described as ‘relaxed’ or ‘content’ is something I really want to hold on to. So I’ve devised a complicated, multi-step system for keeping things cleaned and organized in my home!

  1. Remove everything in my home that isn’t a necessity or a truly beloved item.
  2. Put things away as I use them and clean up the space I’m in before I leave.

Wait, that’s it. It’s actually not that complicated. But it is difficult. We can say we’re going devise a system or set of rules to keep our home orderly, but it’s still going to be difficult to complete that step before step #1 (you could call it step #0), which is to just get motivated! We all have different ways of motivating ourselves to make time for quick cleans. But for me, the biggest motivation right now is this feeling of satisfaction with my life because everything just feels easier. And when you put your own satisfaction and happiness, first, it becomes easier and easier to give others the attention they deserve.

I wish I had all the answers for how you can personally motivate yourself to keep your home clean and orderly. But I do that, for most, the first step is to only own the important things. The time you save cleaning and organizing when you have less is measurable.

Hope this has been helpful has you strive towards making your home your happy place. Thanks for reading!

xoxo Lauren


6 thoughts on “Making Time for Quick Cleans

  1. That is a gorgeous living room👏🏼👏🏼 I’m so proud of you, Lauren! This post reminded me so much of “the compound effect”. Small habits over time = BIG CHANGE 🙂 That feeling of dread when chores just keep stacking up is terrible and gives me anxiety – I still have my moments, but I have to keep reminding myself that I’ll be so much more calm and at peace when I take care of it immediately. I follow the 1 minute rule – if it’s something I can do in the moment and it takes less than 1 minute, I handle it. I wish we could have a decluttering party together. You have motivated me to let go of one thing tonight that doesn’t serve me. I’m loving these frequent updates from you. MORE MORE!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, we definitely enjoy having this nice space to enjoy all of our meals. You’ll never guess (or maybe you will) what phrase I tell myself when I have a task I don’t want to complete – “Lauren, you gotta just drudge through the drudgery.” LOL Joshua Fields Millburn is in my head! And I’ll let you in on a little secret….I have a blog post planned for every weekday this month 🙂


  2. This is exactly where I need to go! My house goes from clean to disorganized in a matter of hours. I’ve tried to get rid of extra things, but my kids and husband have so much of it. I want to join the decluttering party too!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I just. I. I could have written this post myself! (?) I had this moment the other day too. (Only it was not followed by a 5 am barre class so kudos to that!) It’s so crazy, I guess I always think that other peoples lives must be like this too but it feels satisfying to hear other moms admit to crashing and snacking while watching Netlfix during naptime because they are so overwhelmed that the state of things. Thanks for the encouragement to keep at the “quick cleans” and KEEP AWAY the overwhelm.

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