When Self Care Turns Into a Hiatus

In all honestly, I’m not 100% bought in on religion. Try as I did for years, I could not drudge up the passion for God that I felt I should have to identify as Christian. I mostly lean towards Agnostic. But there are times when I feel like someone must be running the show. The way that miracles can just come out of nowhere or you can be thrown into so many situations and your limits are tested, pushing you past what you thought you could originally handle. The day this post was originally scheduled to publish, I had one of those days that just rocked me. August 11th, 2016 marked 731 glorious days that my two little blessings have been on this Earth; it was James and Emma’s 2nd birthday. And I was so prepared to celebrate and dedicate the day to this wonderful beings. I wanted to take in everything they had to offer and just fill myself with appreciation for them.

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20 Fingers & 20 Toes: Looking Back on 2 Years of Twin Mom-hood

This Thursday marks the 2nd birthday of my fraternal twins, James Russell and Emma Jane. To say it has been an incredible ride so far is the quite the understatement, something I’m sure many of you can relate to if you’ve been in the throes of parenthood. And like most, I’ve learned so much through the unique challenges I faced as parent.

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Healthy Snacks for a Happy Mom (and Baby!)

When it was time for the babies to start solids, I was still working full-time so trying to find the time to puree foods was impossible. So I headed straight for the baby food aisle at Publix to see what my options were. Actually I first headed straight to my laptop to research every baby food brand to determine the healthiest options available because that is what I do before I purchase ANYTHING. But after that I headed to the grocery store to buy a couple different brands to try out with the babies. As I stared at the various blends and snacks meant for older babies and tots, I thought about how delicous (and healthy) they all seemed. So I purchased a couple packs for myself!

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