The 7 Baby Steps

On the blog past Friday I provided a quick synopsis and review of The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsay and the 7 Baby Steps described in the book.  If you haven’t already read last week’s post, I recommend you read it first before learning about my progress. We’ve been following the baby steps for almost a month now, and we have kind of fast tracked our way through them since we were already being pretty responsible.

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Money Matters

When I started this blog, I had the idea that it would be your typical lifestyle blog with a green twist. I would blog about beauty products, skincare, recipes, all of which would be geared towards safer, healthier options. Eventually it would morph into a money-making opportunity with lots of sponsored posts and ads. I wanted it to be like those aspirational lifestyle blogs you follow because they’re beautiful and you want some aspect of that in your life. The problem with this type of blog is that it is consumer-based. And I am not someone who wants to encourage people to buy what they don’t need. Once you purchase the items you saw that one time in that flat lay, your life will not be perfect. You will just move on to wanting that scarf from your favorite Etsy shop or that field jacket you were never really into, but now you see EVERYWHERE so you feel like you MUST have it in your life. This is not the person I want to be, and this is not the person I want to inspire other people to be.

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How To Create an Aspirational Schedule

When I was working, I was like a machine – up at 5am and going til 11pm, maybe midnight. I was enjoying my life, but, at the same time, I wasn’t focused on my personal growth whatsoever. So when Ryan and I decided it would be best for me to stay home instead of working once we moved, I was ecstatic. But transitioning from career woman to stay at home mom wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. The newfound freedom was a little bit debilitating. When you have all the time in the world, there is no rush to accomplish goals, especially when they are just your own personal goals. I knew I wanted to make the most of my time at home, but still feel like I was getting to enjoy every moment. So instead of setting a strict time schedule, I created an aspirational schedule for myself.

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30-Step Minimalist Challenge

I have been feeling particular uninspired and unmotivated as of recent. And, lemme tell you, it is not a good feeling. And the longer I go without being productive, the farther I fall into a place where it becomes more and more difficult to accomplish anything. Which is why it took me until 3pm to start a post that I meant to publish 10 hours ago. But we live and we learn.

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New Month, New Purpose

I have been thinking about starting a blog for…..ever. Actually, I attempted 2 blogs previously, but I never really fully dedicated myself to them. Posts were sporadic, topics were not focused, there was a lot of emotion; overall, they were not what I wanted them to be. Suffice to say, I put A LOT of thought into this 3rd blog. I have been following a bunch of lifestyle bloggers on Instagram for awhile, and I love how they find ways to make daily life beautiful. Injecting vibrant color, sparkle, fun into moments here and there is as simple as putting sprinkles on vanilla ice cream. I’ve made it my focus to make the world around me simple, yet inspiring. And because I knew I would be spending a lot of time at my desk, I started there.


My desk is a repurposed IKEA Hemnes vanity. I removed the mirror and moved the storage boxes to the side and voila! The wire basket holds my Beautycounter marketing essentials (I’ll be sharing more about Beautycounter in a future post!), and the green leather notebook is perfect for writing down my daily to-do list. If you ever stay up at night thinking about what you need to accomplish the next day, take a couple moments in the evening before you go to bed to jot it all down. Your mind will be clear, and you will already feel on track when you wake up in the AM.


Today’s to do list (and this month’s purpose) is focused on starting this blog and being dedicated to the process. As a self-professed perfectionist, I spent too much time planning and not enough time doing. Giving myself specific deadlines with short planning periods (aka blog posts every Monday, Wednesday, Friday) is how I’m going to get out of my planning comfort zone and just do it (thanks for the encouragement, Nike slogan).

I would love to hear what your purpose is this month! Are you vowing to exercise more or work smarter on the job? Share with me your monthly goal(s) so we can make it happen together!